Rhon Gornall Past President
I joined Hart Lions nearly four years ago after retiring from a long career as a midwife and relocating from Essex.
I had led a fairly privileged life and wanted to give something back to the community. Hart Lions has given me this opportunity as well as making some really good friends. I first met the Hart Lions at Morrisons food collection and they explained who they were and what they did, but was probably more persuaded when they told me about the social side and what fun they had!
Alison Barker
I joined Lions over 25 years ago, and not regretted a day! It has been a source of friendship through the good times and the bad, and given me great satisfaction in helping others.
Jane Jones

When I retired from my career in infant education I was keen to become more involved in supporting the local community. I was introduced to Hart Lions by a friend and have been a member since 2011. I was elected Treasurer in 2012, a job I really enjoyed. When I retired I very much wanted to support the community on a voluntary basis and being part of the Lions has helped me achieve this, plus I have made many new friends along the way as well.